Gopalkrishnan R. Iyer, David Bejou

Customer Relationship Management in Electronic Markets

Discover an important tool in the development of new marketing strategies for satisfying online customers! Edited by two experts in the fields of business and marketing, Customer Relationship Management in Electronic Markets is designed to help ...

Robin J. Birn

The Handbook of International Market Research Techniques

* Standard text dealing with market research techniques * For all levels of expertise: from students to experienced practitioners * Paper reissue of a successful book A short-cut to experience and knowledge on all key techniques with ...

Edgar A. Falk

1001 Ideas to Create Retail Excitement

In a new, completely revised and updated edition of his 1999 classic 1001 Ideas to Create Retail Excitement , public relations and marketing guru Edgar Falk shows small, medium, and large business owners how to make the most of retail ...

Thad B. Green

Developing and Leading the Sales Organization

Faced with the ever increasing difficulty of reaching their targets, sales executives need new ways to improve their organizations' results. Consultant, former university professor, and widely recognized authority on motivation and performance in ...

<<<  Michael Leboeuf. How to Win Customers and Keep Them ...             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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