David Maddison

The Amenity Value of the Global Climate

This book develops and applies a far-reaching account of the economic value of climate, derived from its 'amenity value', or, the benefits which a particular climate provides to the people of that region or country. As climate change moves higher on ...

Andrea Barazini, Andrea Baranzini, Philippe Thalmann

Voluntary Approaches in Climate Policy (New Horizons in Environmental Economics series)

Voluntary approaches (VAs) are increasingly implemented in different countries as the main instrument in environmental policies. The authors focus on the economics of VAs, their advantages and disadvantages and how they compare with other climate ...

Dick Netzer

The Property Tax, Land Use, and Land Use Regulation (Studies in Fiscal Federalism and State-Local Finance)

Dick Netzer, a leading public finance economist specializing in state and local issues and urban government, brings together in this comprehensive volume essays by top scholars connecting the property tax with land use. They explore the idea that ...

Ricardo R. Fernandez

Total Quality in Purchasing and Supplier Management

Total Quality in Purchasing and Supplier Management is an important and essential new book which develops a systematic approach to purchasing and supplier quality management (PSQM). It explains how to build a solid customer-supplier ...

<<<  Willem Van Vliet. The Encyclopedia of Housing             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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