Willem Van Vliet

The Encyclopedia of Housing

This authoritative resource brings into focus the many important connections among the different disciplines in the field of housing - planning, architecture, social sciences, environmental design, business law and others. The ...

Neil S. Grigg

Water Resources Management: Principles, Regulations, and Cases

Managing water effectively means reconciling the often conflicting goals of conservation, irrigation, drainage, supply, flood control, hydropower, waste, recreation, and other needs. Water Resources Management: Principles, Cases, and Regulations ...

Hartmut Bossel

Earth at a Crossroads: Paths to a Sustainable Future

We are fast becoming a global society. Flagging economies and social problems, environmental pollution and ecological destruction are burdens that fall on the shoulders of our international community. As we stand on the threshold of the ...

Richard Broadhurst

Managing Environments for Leisure and Recreation (Routledge Environmental Management)

Managing Environments for Leisure and Recreation urges managers to balance the need for a systematic approach, with the need for a systemic development of an environmental management ethic. It is highly illustrated with over 50 line drawings and ...

<<<  Michael R. Baye. Oligopoly             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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