Alice Kessler-Harris

Out to Work: A History of Wage-Earning Women in the United States

First published in 1982, this pioneering work traces the transformation of "women's work" into wage labor in the United States, identifying the social, economic, and ideological forces that have shaped our expectations of what women do. Basing her ...

Christena L. Turner

Japanese Workers in Protest: An Ethnography of Consciousness and Experience

This first ethnographic study of factory workers engaged in radical labor protest gives a voice to a previously marginalized segment of the Japanese population. These workers tell their own stories of lengthy struggles to make sense of their lives ...

Michael Goldfield

The Color of Politics: Race and the Mainsprings of American Politics

How has race determined the course of American history? From the Revolution to the New Deal, from the Civil War to the Second World War, race has been at the center of virtually every national turning point. In a brilliant book, Michael Goldfield ...

John E. Kwoka, John E., Jr Kwoka

Power Structure: Ownership, Integration, and Competition in the U.S. Electricity Industry

Power Structure examines the effects on economic performance of several key features of the U.S. electric power industry. Paramount among these are public versus private ownership, vertical integration versus deintegration, and retail competition ...

<<<  Bjorn Hettne, Andras Inotai, Osvaldo Sunkel. National Perspectives ...             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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