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Bjorn Hettne, Andras Inotai, Osvaldo Sunkel National Perspectives On the New Regionalism in the North : Vol. 2 (International Political Economy)
This is the second of five volumes reporting on the UNU/WIDER project on new regionalism. This volume presents various national perspectives on the process of regionalization in order to get a more concrete understanding of its dynamics. It is
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Miguel Santos Neves, Brian Bridges Europe, China and the Two Sars: Towards a New Era
This book is a detailed study of contemporary economic, political, and security relations between Western Europe and China and the two emerging special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau. In a comparative manner, the contributors
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Stanley Aronowitz The Last Good Job in America
"Money, jobs, careers, training-all are topics often overheard in the conversation of middle-class Americans today. One of the nation's leading critics of education, the world of work, and the labor movement, Stanley Aronowitz has, over three
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Lowell Turner Fighting for Partnership: Labor and Politics in Unified Germany (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)
West Germany from 1949 to 1990 was a story of virtually unparalleled political and economic success. This economic miracle incorporated a well-functioning political democracy, expanded to include a "social partnership" system of economic
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