
Measuring the Non-Observed Economy: A Handbook (Statistics (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development).)

Good-quality, comprehensive national accounts are vital for economic policymaking and research. Exhaustive coverage is difficult to achieve, however, because some economic activities may be illegal, informal, household production for own final use, ...

M. Mashem Pesaran, Peter Schmidt

Microeconomics (Handbook of Applied Econometrics, Volume 2)

This Handbook focuses on specific microeconomics applications, rather than on conventional econometric theory. It covers the econometric issues involved in a variety of applied microeconomic problems: The measurement of productivity. Frontier ...

Pasour, E.C., Jr. Pasour

Agriculture and the State: Market Processes and Bureaucracy

Here is an irreverent, insightful view of U.S. farm programs, clearly separating political rhetoric from economic reality. Analyzing the effects of price supports, marketing orders, credit and export subsidies, and other farm programs, Professor ...

C. R. Neu, Charles Wolf, United States Dept. of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense, Rand, National Defense Research Institute

The Economic Dimensions of National Security

The end of the Cold War has shifted attention from military threats to other things that might negatively affect the people of the United States. ...

<<<  Ed Paulson. The Technology M&A Guidebook             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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