Ed Paulson

The Technology M&A Guidebook

The comprehensive, practical guide to buying, selling, and merging technology companies The Technology M&A Guidebook provides executives and entrepreneurs interested in acquiring or selling a technology company with everything they need to ...

Michael H. Lane

Customs Modernization and the International Trade Superhighway

In order for the ideal of international trade to become reality, customs procedures dating back centuries must be eliminated and replaced with modernized practices designed to foster cooperation and efficiency in world trade. The International ...

Kim Hopper, Ernest Cook

Conservation Finance Handbook

Between 1996 and 2002, the Trust for Public Land helped communities design and pass ballot measures that raised more than $28 billion to fund parks and open space across the country. With growth and sprawl rapidly overtaking their open lands, ...

Statistical Methods in Econometrics

Statistical Methods in Econometrics is appropriate for beginning graduate courses in mathematical statistics and econometrics in which the foundations of probability and statistical theory are developed for application to econometric ...

<<<  Anne McKinney. Real-Resumes for Students (Real-Resumes Series)             Heidi Collins. Corporate Portals: Revolutionizing ... >>>

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