Б. М. Кириков, Л. А. Кирикова, О. В. Петрова

Невский проспект. Дом за домом

В книге рассказано обо всех ста домах основной части Невского проспекта от его начала до площади Восстания. Даны архитектурные характеристики зданий. Приведены сведения об их владельцах и наиболее известных жильцах. Читатели почерпнут информацию о ...

Keith Harrell

Attitude is Everything, Revised Edition: 10 Life-Changing Steps to Turning Attitude into Action

Amazon.com"It isn't how much you know about maintaining a positive attitude that's important," writes Keith Harrell, formerly one of IBM's top training instructors and now a popular speaker, trainer, and consultant. "It's how well, and how ...

David Kirsch

The Ultimate New York Body Plan

A fast and proven two -week program for the ultimate body transformation David Kirsch, personal trainer and a fitness guru of the TV show "Extreme Makeover," has whipped into shape some of the most famous bodies in America. ...

Jay VerLinden

Critical Thinking and Everyday Argument (with InfoTrac)

Book Description This text introduces students to fundamental principles of argumentation and critical thinking and teaches them that argument is a part of everyday life. It draws on everyday experiences and examples to demonstrate principles of ...

<<<  Robert A. Ristinen. Energy and the Environment             Helen Tower Brunet. Nellie and Charlie : A Family ... >>>

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