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Emmett G. (Mac) Mackenzie Ten Men, a ?Flying Boxcar,? and a War : A Journal of B-24 Crew 313, 1944 to 1945
Book Description? the simple fact is that ten men, boy?s really, came together out of nowhere did what was asked of them, and returned to their nowhere?. These are the no-nonsense words of Crew 313?s navigator, Mike
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Mary Ann Smart Mimomania : Music and Gesture in Nineteenth-Century Opera (California Studies in 19th-Century Music)
Book DescriptionWhen Nietzsche dubbed Richard Wagner "the most enthusiastic mimomaniac" ever to exist, he was objecting to a hollowness he felt in the music, a crowding out of any true dramatic impulse by extravagant poses and constant nervous
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Jonathan London Froggy Goes to the Doctor (Froggy)
Amazon.comKids who go to the doctor for a routine checkup shouldn't worry too much. Unless they accidentally throw a paper airplane ("zwish!") into the doctor's eye. Or forget to wear underwear. ("Oops!") Or kick the doctor in the chin when she's
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Kevin King All The Stars Came Out That Night
Book Description In the tradition of iconic literary baseball novels such as The Natural, Bang the Drum Slowly , and The Brothers K comes a mythic tale about 1930s stars Dizzy Dean, Satchel Paige, and the greatest game ever played.
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