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Adam Nicolson God's Secretaries : The Making of the King James Bible
Book Description A network of complex currents flowed across Jacobean England. This was the England of Shakespeare, Jonson, and Bacon; the era of the Gunpowder Plot and the worst outbreak of the plague. Jacobean England was both more godly and
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Jeff Warmouth DVD Authoring with DVD Studio Pro 2
Book DescriptionDVD Authoring with DVD Studio Pro 2 is an introduction to Apple DVD Studio Pro and the workflow involved in the creation of DVDs. This is two books in one: if you are new to DVD authoring, the basic section will lead you through
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Gregg Rickman The Western Reader
Book DescriptionThis lavishly-illustrated collection of writings on Western movies covers close to a century of American cinematic achievement and spans almost a half-century of essays, brief commentary, and interviews. The history, mythology, and
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Stephen C. Hutchings Russian Literary Culture in the Camera Age: The Word As Image (Basees/Routledgecurzon Series on Russian and East European Studies, 14)
Book DescriptionThis book explores how one of the world's most literary-oriented societies entered the modern visual era.
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