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Kathryn S. Dobie Her War: American Women in Wwii
Book DescriptionA nurse administers anesthetic with the aid of a flashlight as snipers try to pick off members of a U.S. surgical team in Algiers. One member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots tows targets for U.S. antiaircraft trainees, while
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The Letters Of Rudyard Kipling V6 1931-36 (Letters of Rudyard Kipling)
Book DescriptionThe most popular author of his day and a paradox who was both an assertive British imperialist and a man of sensitivity and wide reading, Rudyard Kipling is best remembered now as the author of The Jungle Book , the Just-So
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Kerry Segrave Foreign Films in America: A History
Book DescriptionForeign films once enjoyed a position of prominence on American theater screens. By the start of World War I, however, the United States? film industry was strong enough to challenge that foreign presence and foreign films in
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James Wierzbicki Louis and Bebe Barron's Forbidden Planet : A Film Score Guide (Scarecrow Film Score Guides)
Book DescriptionJames Wierzbicki's book on the score for Forbidden Planet deals with the composers' backgrounds the composers' studio techniques the critcal context of 1950's American science-fiction films and a summary of cirical readings of
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