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Bob Martens ArchiCAD: The User Handbook
Book DescriptionArchiCAD has been on the market since 1984 and has firmly established itself among the available CAD software packages. The number of ArchiCAD users continues to increase and has already exceeded 100.000 by far. Continuous product
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Roger Narboni Lighting the Landscape : Art, Design, Technologies
Lighting design, long regarded as a pragmatic and purely technical aspect of construction planning, has increasingly developed into a discipline of its own over the past years. This publication recognises recent developments by combining the
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Jonathan Lee 50 Great Adventures: Extraordinary Places And the People Who Built Them
Book DescriptionArchitecture meets biography in this highly personal exploration of some of the world?s most provocative, revealing, and beautifully built structures. In this unique and visually stimulating volume, fifty buildings from
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Paco Asensio Cool Hotels Asia/Pacific (Cool Hotels)
Book DescriptionThe exoticism and beauty of the Asian coast and the Pacific Islands have always been attractive to Western tourists. Here is a lavishly illustrated guide to the most contemporary and innovatively designed hotels in countries from
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