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The Book of Saints: A Comprehensive Biographical Dictionary
Book DescriptionThis is the first comprehensive dictionary of saints in any language for seventy years. The last edition of this book, the sixth, published in 1970, included very few entries for those recently beatified and canonized and almost none
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Prevention of Skin Cancer (Cancer Prevention-Cancer Causes)
Book DescriptionThis volume brings together the full spectrum of issues relating to the primary prevention of skin cancer from a population and public health perspective. The book examines possible mechanisms of causation and the role of risk
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Ben Graham Maximum Alanis Morissette: The Unauthorised Biography of Alanis Morissette : The Full Story With Interviews + Free Mini-Poster (Maximum)
Book DescriptionThese audio biographies chart the lives and work of some of rock's most memorable acts, from their early days to their rise to fame. Each CD includes comments and interview material by the artist and is accompanied by an eight-page
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Julian Preece The Life and Work of Gunter Grass : Literature, History, Politics
Book Description This book traces the career of the most widely read and influential German novelist in the second half of the twentieth century. It shows in particular how his experiences as a teenage Nazi shaped his thinking, both in his
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