Angela Ndalianis

Neo-Baroque Aesthetics and Contemporary Entertainment (Media in Transition)

Book DescriptionThe artists of the seventeenth-century baroque period used spectacle to delight and astonish; contemporary entertainment media, according to Angela Ndalianis, are imbued with a neo-baroque aesthetic that is similarly spectacular. In ...

Mimi Colligan

Canvas Documentaries: Panoramic Entertainments in Nineteenth-Century Australia and New Zealand

Book DescriptionMoving panorama and diorama pictures came to Australia and New Zealand during the gold rush of the 1850s and 1860s, when entrepreneurs brought great lengths of canvas from Britain and America depicting battles and journeys from ...

Valerie Favre

Valerie Favre: Mise En Scene

Book DescriptionThe fabulous creatures, forests, and nightly cityscapes on Valerie Favre's canvases open our eyes to fantastic worlds and fairytale scenarios. Favre has worked as a stage designer, theater and cinema actress, and painter, and ...

ECAL Photographie/Photography

Book DescriptionHere are images made by students during their studies at the ECAL [Ecole Cantonale d'art de Lausanne], and by their teachers in the context of workshops. They showcase the widening scope of photographic practices within the framework ...

<<<  Owen McCafferty. Days of Wine and Roses             Richard A. Mann. Smith and Roberson's Business Law (Smith & Roberson's ... >>>

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