James Fletcher-Watson

James Fletcher-Watson's Watercolour Secrets

While focusing on individual elements, each chapter offers advice on putting them all together in stunning landscapes and townscapes. There are sections and tips on brushes and colors, how to introduce perspective, mix colors, build up texture ...

Ulrich Deimel

Deimel & Wittmar: Those Twenties: Photography of Architecture in Rhine Westphalia

Book DescriptionTop-notch German architectural photographers Petra Wittmar and Ulrich Deimel document the remarkable structures created in the interwar period in North Rhine Westphalia. Master builders including Dominikus Bohm, Fritz Schupp, ...

Leslie A. Loveless

From The Heartland: A Postcard Book Of Photographs By Pete Wettach (Bur Oak Book)

Book DescriptionOver the course of his career as a Farm Security Administration supervisor and, later, a freelance photographer, A. M. "Pete" Wettach (1901?1976) took thousands of pictures of friends, neighbors, family members, and clients ...

Image Ethics in the Digital Age

Book DescriptionOver the past quarter century, dramatic technological advances in the production, manipulation, and dissemination of images have transformed the practices of journalism, entertainment, and advertising as well as the visual ...

<<<  Martin Morrow. Wild Theatre: The History of One Yellow Rabbit             Richard A. Mann. Smith and Roberson's Business Law (Smith & Roberson's ... >>>

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