Margo A Mastropieri

Identification and Assessment, Volume 16 (Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities)

Book DescriptionIdentification and assessment of learning and behavioural disabilities have long been issues of great concern, and have become increasingly important in recent years. Identification and assessment issues determine how students are ...

Reinhard K. Sprenger

Trust : The Best Way to Manage

With the growth of spin and the loss of faith in business leaders, a business that follows the strategic principles in this guide can build trust among customers, suppliers, shareholders, and employees and can maintain an increasingly ...

Production Networks in Asia and Europe: Skill Formation and Technology Transfer in the Automobile Industry (Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/Routledgecurzon)

Book DescriptionThis book explores Japanese investment in Europe and Southeast Asia, in relation to the automobile industry. ...

Dennis B Posadas

Rice Bowl & Chips : How Asian countries are using the Silicon Valley model to develop technology startups

Book Description Rice Bowl & Chips explains how Asian countries are using the Silicon Valley model to develop technology startups. Author Dennis Posadas enumerates the unwritten rules of innovation that have worked in Silicon Valley ...

<<<  Pension Reform in Europe: Process and Progress (Directions in Development). ...             Richard A. Mann. Smith and Roberson's Business Law (Smith & Roberson's ... >>>

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