Ray Tricker

ISO 9001:2000 Audit Procedures, Second Edition

Book DescriptionIn order to meet the recommendations, requirements and specifications of ISO 9001:2000, organisations must undertake an audit of their own quality procedures and those of their suppliers. Likewise, when supplying ISO 9001:2000 ...

Mitsy Ballentine

Machine Transcription & Dictation, Text/CD

Book Description The fifth edition of Machine Transcription and Dictation prepares students for most situations requiring transcription skills. To help strengthen grammar and punctuation proficiency, this book provides realistic documents from ...

Ahmed Riahi-Belkaoui

Accounting Theory

Book Description Accounting Theory presents the principal approaches and proposed solutions to the problem of formulating an accounting theory in an international context. It examines the various facets that contribute to the formulation of a ...

Phyllis Lai Lan Mo

Tax Avoidance and Anti-Avoidance Measures in Major Developing Economies

Book DescriptionTax avoidance has created problems with far-reaching implications for the economic development of developing economies. This book focuses on the issues of tax avoidance, as well as on measures designed to combat it, in China, India, ...

<<<  Jeffrey A. Krames. Jack Welch and The 4 E's of Leadership             Richard A. Mann. Smith and Roberson's Business Law (Smith & Roberson's ... >>>

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