Daniel A. Wren

TheHistory of Management Thought

Book DescriptionA lot more than you might think. By tracing the origin and development of modern management concepts, you can develop a more logical, coherent picture of the present state of management practice, and a deeper understanding of the ...

Stuart A. McCrary

Hedge Fund Course (Wiley Finance)

Book DescriptionA self-study course that reviews the technical and quantitative knowledge necessary to properly manage a hedge fund Today, traditional asset managers are looking to develop their own hedge funds as alternative offerings to ...

Dan Steinbock

The Mobile Revolution: The Making of Worldwide Mobile Markets

Book DescriptionFirst announced as Mobile World * From the author of the seminal business bestseller, The Nokia Revolution * Exclusive first-hand interviews with the masters of the mobile universe * A riveting, fast-paced global tour of one of ...

Brian K. Friedman

The Real Estate Recipe: Make Millions by Buying Small Apartment Properties in Your Spare Time (Nuts & Bolts Series) (Nuts & Bolts series)

Book Description Investing in apartment properties is made simple in this comprehensive resource for prospective buyers on how to make smart decisions about real estate and reach financial independence. Instructions, sample cases, worksheets, ...

<<<  Frank Milne. Finance Theory and Asset Pricing             Richard A. Mann. Smith and Roberson's Business Law (Smith & Roberson's ... >>>

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