Steve Whigham

Throw Open the Floodgates : One man's surprising discovery of God's original intent for the tithe

Book DescriptionFor generations we've been taught: Tithe to the church. Ironically, the Bible speaks of something entirely different. Throw Open the Floodgates chronicles how the author's personal journey to understand the tithe ...

Marx's Theory of Money : Modern Appraisals

Book Description This book provides a contemporary assessment of Marx's theory of money. This theory is often praised as one of Marx's greatest achievements, especially when compared with either classical or neoclassical economics. On the other ...

Arild Vatn

Institutions And The Environment

Book DescriptionThis important text develops an institutional response to the core issues raised in public policy making and develops a distinct understanding of the role of institutions, not least in the study of environmental problems. It ...

Trade And Environment: Theory And Policy in the Context of Eu Enlargement And Economic Transition (The Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (Feem) Series on Economics and the Environment)

Book DescriptionThe debate about how best to manage the interplay between trade, industrialization and the impacts of both on the global environment continues to rage, particularly in the context of the introduction and ratification of the Kyoto ...

<<<  Fred Kirkman. The Incredible Hoax: The ...             Джиллиан Хоффман. Возмездие >>>

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