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United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects 2005 (World Economic and Social Survey)
Book DescriptionThe continued recovery of the world economy resulted in unusually widespread growth in 2004, but a modest slowdown in all regions is expected in 2005, according to projections contained in this report. Overall, prospects continue to
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Ron Suskind The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neil (Thorndike Press Large Print Nonfiction Series)
Amazon.comThe George W. Bush White House, as described by former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, is a world out of kilter. Policy decisions are determined not by careful weighing of an issue's complexities; rather, they're dictated by a cabal of
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Bjorn Hersoug Fisheries Development : The Institutional Challenge
Book Description Many coastal states actively cultivate their fisheries to sustain their citizens and national economies. Fisheries Development presents the synthesis of a long-term research project on fisheries in struggling countries.
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Samir Amin Obsolescent Capitalism : Contemporary Politics and Global Disorder
Book Description Samir Amin depicts a world in which NATO has taken over the role of the United Nations, in which US hegemony is more or less complete, in which millions are condemned to die in order to preserve the social order of the US,
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