Positive Psychology in Business Ethics And Corporate Responsibiliy (Ethics and the Environment) (Ethics and the Environment)

Book DescriptionThe goal of this volume is to begin to create those critical linkages between positive psychological attributes and relevant research areas. Undoubtedly, there are many topics in positive psychology that could not be covered in just ...

Knowledge Management : Organizational and Technological Dimensions

Book DescriptionThis book presents a unique blend of articles which combines both conceptual and practical concerns related to devising and implementing sustainable Knowledge Management systems and solutions in contemporary global organizations. The ...

Tom E. Jones

If It's Broken, You Can Fix It: Overcoming Dysfunction in the Workplace

Book DescriptionIf It's Broken, You Can Fix It blows the lid off the problem of dysfunction in the workplace. It helps managers step back, recognize both the subtle and overt symptoms, and begin administering some serious cures. This easy to read ...

Robert Jones

Working Virtually : Challenges of Virtual Teams

Book Description This perspective on the growing dependence on virtual teams provides virtual offices with the tools to best exploit their environment. Insight is provided on using virtual teams to most effectively leverage scarce and ...

<<<  John Adair. Effective Strategic Leadership             Джиллиан Хоффман. Возмездие >>>

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