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Jane Piper Clendinning The Musician's Guide to Theory and Analysis: Anthology
Book Description The Musician's Guide to Theory and Analysis teaches the skills of complete musicianship, integrating theory and analysis in one comprehensive pedagogical program. The Musician's Guide Series features the newest
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Fiona Marshall Natural Aphrodisiacs
Book Description The marketplace success of Viagra has proven the demand for increased sexual potency and performance, yet this powerful prescription drug can have dangerous and potentially deadly side effects. Fortunately, there are a wide
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The Many Faces of Philosophy: Reflections from Plato to Arendt
Book DescriptionPhilosophy is a dangerous profession, risking censorship, prison, even death. And no wonder: philosophers have questioned traditional pieties and threatened the established political order. Some claimed to know what was thought
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Charles Templeton Crocker The Land of Happiness: A Music Drama
Book Description1917. Being the fifteenth grove play of the Bohemian Club of San Francisco as presented by members of the club at the Bohemian Grove, Sonoma County, California the Fourth night of August 1917.
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