Lawrence, M.D. Broxmeyer

AIDS: What the Discoverers of HIV Never Admitted

Book DescriptionOnce upon a time, a small group of politically powerful scientists rammed a flawed theory on the origin and cause of AIDS down America?s and then the world?s throat. Yet we are still led to believe that we are fortunate ...

Golden Books

Make a Wish (Book and CD)

Book DescriptionJoin Dora and Boots as they help a fallen star find its way back to the sky. Children can be part of the adventure by reading and looking at the book and listening to the story recorded on the included CD. ...

George Kouvaros

Where Does It Happen: John Cassavetes and Cinema at the Breaking Point

Book Description"A good movie," John Cassavetes has remarked, "will ask you questions you don?t already know the answers to." And in his films, Cassavetes is as good as his word. Taking up the radical question that Cassavetes?s films ...

Lord Frederic Hamilton

Here, There and Everywhere

Book DescriptionA tropical night is seldom quiet, what with the croaking of frogs, the chirping of the cicadas, and some bird, insect, or reptile that imitates the winding in of a fishing-reel for hours together, but really the noise of the Jamaican ...

<<<  Michelle Knudsen. Fairy Friends (Rainbow Foils)             Helen Tower Brunet. Nellie and Charlie : A Family ... >>>

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