Scott J. Wilson, Shannon Wilder, Chris Volion

Flash 5

INSIDE Macromedia Flash 5 is designed to set you on the path to producing and delivering high-impact, animated web sites. Following an introduction to the Flash 5 interface, as well as basic text and paint tools, you'll delve directly into hands-on ...

William P. Birmingham, Anurag P. Gupta, Daniel P. Siewiorek

Automating the Design of Computer Systems: The Micon Project

Addressing the issues of engineering design in computer architecture, this book describes the design and implementation of MICON, a system for automating the syhtnesis of small computers. ...

J. Schwarzenbach, K. F. Gill, J Schwarzenbach, K Gill

System Modelling and Control

Providing a sound introduction to control engineering, this book features clear explanations and illustrations of the dynamic behaviour of systems and the main methods of analysis. This edition has been expanded to reflect advances in ...

Samudra Gupta

Logging in Java with the JDK 1.4 Logging API and Apache log4j

Logging in Java with the JDK 1.4 Logging API and Apache log4j is the first book to discuss the two foremost logging APIs: JDK 1.4.0 logging API and Apache log4j 1.2.6 logging API for application developers. The internals of each API are ...

<<<  France Belanger, Dianne H. Jordan, Diane Jordan. Evaluation ...             Robert J. Thierauf. On-line Analytical Processing Systems for Business >>>

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