Laurie Kelly, Bruce Middleton

Cyber Crime Investigator's Field Guide, Second Edition

The movement toward miniaturized and mobile computing has created more opportunity for cyber thieves. To respond effectively, IT security professionals need a volume that combines the understanding of investigative techniques with the technical ...

Rob Shields

The Virtual (Key Ideas)

Rob Shields unravels the origins and the many contemporary meanings of the virtual as a concept. Shields dissects the history of the virtual world and takes his analysis beyond the technologies themselves to show how the virtual has infiltrated our ...

Alec Nevalainen

The E-Business Dictionary: EDI, Supply Chain, and E-Procurement Terminology

The E-Business Dictionary: EDI, Supply Chain, and E-Procurement Terminology is a quick reference for all business and computer professionals. It contains short, clear explanations of words that an average professional might use or encounter ...

Amjad Umar

E-Business and Distributed Systems Handbook: Networks Module

This module presents network services that transport the traffic between consumers, businesses, suppliers, government agencies, and various other players in an Internet environment. This is one module of an extensive handbook that systematically ...

<<<  Pancreatic Cancer - A Medical Dictionary, ...             Robert J. Thierauf. On-line Analytical Processing Systems for Business >>>

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