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Research and Education Association Staff, Randall Raus The Essentials of Computer Science II (Essentials)
Topics include organization of a computer, memory and input/output, coding, data structures, and program development. Also included is an overview of the most commonly used computer languages.
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Stephen Morris Excel for Windows 95 Clear & Simple (Clear & Simple)
Quickly learn how to make Excel work for you! Excel for Windows 95 Clear & Simple gives you all you need to get started using this powerful office software. If you need to produce spreadsheets, charts, and graphs, and want to get the job
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Donna Tracy Chatroom Voyeur
Leads the reader through public Internet chat rooms, showing the reader how easily accessible these chat rooms are to children, and how sexually explicit the conversation is. Some chapters include: Gay and Bi Men, Couples, Dominant Women, Submissive
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Peter M. Maurer Component Level Programming
Filling a wide gap in the field of programming, this unique book covers the ?other side? of component-based development?the development of the components themselves. This book not only shows readers how to develop a wide variety of
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