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Alejandra Cechich, Mario Piattini, Antonio Vallecillo Component-Based Software Quality: Methods and Techniques (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2693)
Component-based software development, CBSD, is no longer just one more new paradigm in software engineering, but is effectively used in development and practice. So far, however, most of the efforts from the software engineering community have
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Mark Girolami Advances in Independent Component Analysis (Perspectives in Neural Computing)
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a fast developing area of intense research interest. Following on from Self-Organising Neural Networks: Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, this book reviews the significant
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Martin C. Libicki Defending Cyberspace and Other Metaphors
Information warfare, as any casual observer of the Pentagon can attest, remains a hot-button topic in the military community. Thus does war follow commerce into cyberspace, pitting foes against one another for control of this clearly critical high
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P. Rogalla, J. Terwisscha Van Scheltinga, B. Hamm, A.L. Baert, L.W. Brady, H.-P. Heilmann, M. Molls, K. Sartor Virtual Endoscopy and Related 3d Techniques (Medical Radiology)
Virtual endoscopy is a valuable independent diagnostic tool that is likely to become of increasing importance in the new millenium. This book provides an in-depth evaluation of the technical aspects of virtual endoscopy, and detailed information on
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