Tom Bunzel

Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 in 24 Hours

For readers who are new to PowerPoint 11 and want to get up and running quickly, Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 in 24 Hours will do the trick. This book includes shortcuts and ways to accomplish the most common tasks in ...

Mark Norris

Gigabit Ethernet Technology and Applications (Artech House Telecommunications Library)

Gigabit Ethernet delivers the speed and high bandwidth that today?s organizations demand from their local area networks. It is being chosen over other high-speed technologies because it is a flexible and cost-effective solution that can be used ...

Brian Proffitt

Install, Configure, and Customize Corel Linux (Linux)

Written by an experienced Linux user, Install, Configure, and Customize Corel Linux provides you with a guide to the newest version of this Linux technology. Corel Linux is the first version of the OS aimed explicitly at beginning and home users. ...

Mark, Dr Archibald, Dr. Mark Archibald

Design for Manufacturing with Pro/MANUFACTURING (Release 2001)

The primary objective of this book is to teach students to use Pro/MANUFACTURING software for molding, casting, and NC machining. The secondary objective is to provide examples that illustrate typical processes applicable to Pro/MANUFACTURING. ...

<<<  David Adamy, David L. Adamy. Introduction to Electronic Warfare Modeling ...             John Rothchild. A Fool and His Money: The ... >>>

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