Bruce Epstein

Lingo in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (Nutshell Handbook)

This companion book to Director in a Nutshell covers all aspects of Lingo, Director's powerful scripting language, and is the book for which both Director users and power Lingo programmers have been yearning. An essential tool for both new ...

Dane M. Howard

Sharing Digital Photos: The Future of Memories

The photo album as we know it has changed. Now you can learn to capture?and share?your life experiences in dramatic new ways with SHARING DIGITAL PHOTOS: THE FUTURE OF MEMORIES. This colorful and innovative guide expertly demonstrates how ...

Joe Kraynak

The Complete Idiot's Guide to PCs (8th Edition)

The Complete Idiot's Guide to PCs gives you the hands-on training you need to become productive with your new PCs. This book leads you from the very first stage (purchasing, setting up, and turning on a PC), through day-to-day operations (using ...

Suzanne Sabroski, Reva Basch

Super Searchers Make It On Their Own: Top Independent Information Professionals Share Their Secrets for Starting and Running a Research Business (Super Searchers Series)

Offering the advice, insights, experiences, and encouragement would-be Internet entrepreneurs need to establish a successful independent research business, this book provides an insider's view of Internet businesses and their unique services. Eleven ...

<<<  Luciano Da Fontoura Costa, Roberto Marcondes ...             John Rothchild. A Fool and His Money: The ... >>>

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