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Jeffrey D. Ullman Elements of ML Programming, ML97 Edition
Written by a well-known computer science education and researcher. No previous knowledge of ML or functional programming is assumed. This is the first book that offers BOTH a highly accessible, step-by-step introductory tutorial on ML
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David Groth, Dorothy McGee i -Net+ Study Guide
-This study guide provides all the information you need to prepare for the i-Net+ exam, CompTIA's vendor- and product-neutral Internet certification program.-New to the second edition, real-world scenarios that provide practical insights and
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Andy Oram Peer-to-Peer : Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies
The term "peer-to-peer" has come to be applied to networks that expect end users to contribute their own files, computing time, or other resources to some shared project. Even more interesting than the technology's technical underpinnings is its
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David Beskeen Microsoft Office XP - Illustrated Introductory, Windows XP Edition
A part of the Illustrated series offering a visual, flexible approach to learning the basic Microsoft Office XP skills.
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