Vince Adams

Building Better Products with Finite Element Analysis

This book offers a practical view of finite element analysis (FEA) by reviewing the basics of design analysis from an engineering perspective. It provides practical guidelines for specific design problems, such as setting boundaries, contact points ...

Steven Haines, Stephen Potts

Java 2 Primer Plus

Java Primer Plus guides the reader through the Java programming language from the basic concepts (basic syntax, variable, literals, operators, loops, conditional statements, etc.) through advanced topics (RMI, JDBC, Network socket ...

Stanley M. Shinners

Advanced Modern Control System Theory and Design

The definitive guide toadvanced control system design Advanced Modern Control System Theory and Design offers the most comprehensive treatment of advanced control systems available today. Superbly organized and easy to use, this book is ...

Luanne Seymour Cohen

Adobe Photoshop CS Creative Studio

Whether you're a designer, illustrator, or artist, as an advanced Photoshop user, you're constantly on the lookout for the tips and techniques that will allow you to use Adobe's image manipulation program ever more creatively. Who better to turn to, ...

<<<  Nitin Pandey, NIIT. Microsoft ASP.NET Fast & ...             John Rothchild. A Fool and His Money: The ... >>>

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