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Paul M. Swamidass Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management
The Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management is an encyclopedia that has been developed to serve this field as the fundamental reference work. Over the past twenty years, the field of production and operations management has grown
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Intl Business Pubns USA, USA International Business Publications Portugal Telecom Industry Development Handbook (World Investment and Business Library)
Ultimate handbook on the development and privatization programs for the Portugal telecom industry.
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Frank B. Cross, Roger Leroy Miller West's Legal Environment of Business Text Cases: Ethical, Regulatory, International, and E-Commerce Issues
Based on the best-selling West's Business Law, this text maintains its most popular features and continues to offer flexibility for different teaching philosophies. While focusing on public law issues such as ethics, government regulation, and
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Curtis M. Brown, Donald A. Wilson, Walter G. Robillard Brown's Boundary Control and Legal Principles
This new edition of a classic surveying and land law reference has been significantly revised to include updates on laws of boundary evidence, the advances of Global Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) and their impact
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