Janet Hays, Rita Henley Jensen, Betsy Wade

Retire in New York City: Even if You're Not Rich

This is not your parents? retirement. With this book as your guide, you can embark upon an active and often exhilarating retirement in the most fascinating city on the globe. If you?ve enjoyed visiting, imagine what it?s like to ...

Barbara Acello

The OSHA Handbook: The Guidelines For Compliance In Health

OSHA Guidelines for Compliance in Healthcare Facilities is a must-have manual for healthcare employers and their employees. Addresses the OSHA standard for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, with emphasis on the human immunodeficiency ...

John McDonough, Karen Egolf, Jacqueline V. Reid

The Advertising Age Encyclopedia of Advertising

Produced by an international team of more than 200 advisors and contributors, working under the auspices of Advertising Age, the Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago, and the Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History at ...

Robert Gerst

The Performance Improvement Toolkit: The Guide to Knowledge Based Improvement

The Performance Improvement Toolkit is a no nonesense guide to the tools, techniques and methods used to improve organizational and process performance. Packed with examples and step by step instructions, the Toolkit is an excellent resource for ...

<<<  Steve Berges. The Complete Guide to Flipping Properties             John Rothchild. A Fool and His Money: The ... >>>

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