Amy Irvine

Making a Difference : Inspirational Stories of How Outdoor Industry and Individuals are Working to Preserve America's Natural Places

This is a book about grassroots environmental organizations - most of them staffed with local volunteers - fighting to save their wild backyards. It's a collection of stories about people who were aghast when they learned some company or some agency ...

Roger Haywood

Manage Your Reputation: How to Plan Public Relations to Build and Protect the Organization's Most Powerful Asset

A recent survey showed that in the US senior CEOs spent 65% of their time in organized communications. The more successful the company the more time they spent: the CEO is really the senior PR officer. Whether it?s investor relations, legal or ...

David L. Prychitko

Markets, Planning and Democracy: Essays After the Collapse of Socialism (New Thinking in Political Economy Series)

The essays contained herein span over a decade and reflect David Prychitko?s thinking about the role of the market system, and its relation to planning and democratic processes. The collection consists of previously published and unpublished ...

Jim Holden

Power Base Selling: Secrets of an Ivy League Street Fighter

"Holden's book is rich with wisdom and sage advice and should be required reading for any salesperson who wants to understand how to merge a sales strategy and a political strategy to win the hearts of their customers' Power Base."—Rodney D. ...

<<<  Shannon Kinnard. Marketing with E mail: A Spam Free ...             John Rothchild. A Fool and His Money: The ... >>>

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