Angiogenesis in Brain Tumors (Cancer Treatment and Research)

Book DescriptionThe mutual relationship between tumor growth and concomitant neovascularization offers important insight into the biology of brain tumors and the development of new treatment strategies. Many of the early findings in the biology of ...

Elaine Dundy

Elvis and Gladys

Who on the planet doesn't know that Elvis Presley gave electrifying performances and enthralled millions? Who doesn't know that he was the King of Rock 'n' Roll? But who knows that the King himself lived in the thrall of one dominant person? ...

Collen Dixon

Simon Says : A Novel of Intrigue, Betrayal...and Murder (Strivers Row)

Book DescriptionLIFE’S A GAME. ARE YOU READY TO PLAY? The blood rushed from Alex’s head, and his body went limp. As he passed into an abyss of darkness, the chilling final words of The Deliverer rang in his ears, words that would ...

Clemens Fritsch, Thomas Ruzicka

Fluorescence Diagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy of Skin Diseases

This book is the most up-to-date publication on fluorescence diagnostic (FDAP) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) methods used in dermatology. Both techniques are presently world wide introduced as standards for the delineation and the treatment of ...

<<<  Computer Security - ESORICS 2004 : 9th European Symposium on Research ...             Helen Tower Brunet. Nellie and Charlie : A Family ... >>>

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