Family Business Governance: Maximizing Family and Business Potential

Families in business together have an especially powerful motivation to govern themselves well-- vast and profound shared interests that often include large capital investment, future family employment prospects and the image of a family business ...

Preventing Corporate Embezzlement

Internal loss is one of the most costly forms of loss. Embezzlement is one of the least detected and prosecuted forms of internal theft. Preventing Corporate Embezzlement is a professional reference that offers solutions. Managers, auditors and ...

Erwin Rausch, John B. Washbush

High Quality Leadership: Practical Guidelines to Becoming a More Effective Manager

Due to the almost constant state of change that organizations face today, effective leadership has become more important than ever. High Quality Leadership provides the timely, no-nonsense real world information you'll need to develop and enhance ...

John Eric Adair, Peter Reed

Not Bosses but Leaders: How to Lead the Way to Success

* Long awaited new edition of the classic best-seller * Fully updated to take account of the latest leadership thinking A book that can genuinely be called a "classic," this pioneering work from leadership guru John Adair has transformed the ...

<<<  Robert K. Greenleaf. Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate ...             John Rothchild. A Fool and His Money: The ... >>>

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