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Claude GelA?s, Gilles Lindecker, Mel Month, Christian Roche, Gilles Lindecker, Christian Roche Managing Science : Management for R&D Laboratories (Wiley Series in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology, 5005)
A unique "how-to" manual for the management of scientific laboratories This book presents a complete set of tools for the management of research and development laboratories and projects. With an emphasis on knowledge rather than profit
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Robert Szakonyi Technology Management, 1999 Edition
In this new and exciting seventh edition, Technology Management continues to provide R&D managers with essential insight and information to address the most important challenges and opportunities of their profession. Divided into six sections, with
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Philip Stiles, Bernard Taylor Boards at Work: How Directors View Their Roles and Responsibilities
The first detailed analysis of the internal working and the external relationships of the boards of Britian's leading companies. Responding to calls for greater scrutiny of Boards of Directors, this book presents an in-depth examination of directors
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F. Peter Boer The Valuation of Technology : Business and Financial Issues in R&D (Operations Management Series)
"The Valuation of Technology is a timely and thoughtful book on a critical issue in the global business arena. Peter Boer's insights constitute important reading for leaders in all fields."—Jeffrey E. Garten, Dean, Yale School of Management
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