Deon Meyer

Dead at Daybreak

Book DescriptionThe newest headspinning thriller from breakout South African crime writer Deon Meyer: the story of an ex-cop who has seven days to solve a seemingly unsolvable crime--the answer to which lies in his own dark past. When Smit, an ...

Sarah Hutton

Anne Conway : A Woman Philosopher

Book DescriptionSarah Hutton sets Anne Conway in her historical and philosophical context in this intellectual biography of one of the very first English women philosophers. Hutton traces Conway's intellectual development in relation to friends and ...

Brie Austin

I'd Do It Again! : -A Memoir -

Book Description I'd Do It Again! Author Harriet Wright?s priceless adventures began in her mid-twenties when Jimmy Durante plucked her from the waters of the Aquacade at the 1939?40 World?s Fair to join ...

Hanna Zacks

Poems That Happened: Making Sense of Daily Life

Book DescriptionIn Poems That Happened: Making Sense of Daily Life , Hanna Zacks invites the reader to share with her personal experiences as well as thoughts on general issues. Hanna A?discoveredA? poetry in her sixties, ...

<<<  Susan McCabe. Cinematic Modernism : Modernist Poetry ...             Helen Tower Brunet. Nellie and Charlie : A Family ... >>>

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