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Robert M., Jr. Browning Forrest: The Confederacy's Relentless Warrior (Brassey's Military Profiles)
Book DescriptionRevered by some, notorious to others, Nathan Bedford Forrest has long been considered one of the greatest soldiers of the American Civil War. Historian Robert Browning introduces readers to the facts and myths that surround this
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Bruce Hale Chet Gecko's Detective Handbook (and Cookbook) : Tips for Private Eyes and Snack Food Lovers (Chet Gecko)
Book Description A how-to for every budding detective/gourmand/comedian!
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Leonid Libkin Elements of Finite Model Theory (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)
Book DescriptionThis book is an introduction to finite model theory which stresses the computer science origins of the area. In addition to presenting the main techniques for analyzing logics over finite models, the book deals extensively with
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David MacDougall The Corporeal Image : Film, Ethnography, and the Senses
Book Description In this book, David MacDougall, one of the leading ethnographic filmmakers and film scholars of his generation, builds upon the ideas in his widely praised Transcultural Cinema and argues for a new conception of how visual
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