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Boris B. Gorshkov A Life Under Russian Serfdom: The Memoirs of Savva Dmitrievich Purlevskii, 1800-68
Book DescriptionThis is a translation of one of the very few Russian serfs' memoirs. Savva Purlevskii recollects his life in Russian serfdom and the lives of his grandparents, parents, and fellow villagers. He describes family communal life and the
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Norine Dresser Multicultural Manners : Essential Rules of Etiquette for the 21st Century
Both highly informative and entertaining, Multicultural Manners gives readers the understanding they need, the perfect words to say, and the correct behavior to use in a wide range of cross-cultural situations. This incisive and award-winning
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Thomas L., M.D. Leaman Healing the Anxiety Diseases
Book DescriptionAn accessible overview of the six kinds of anxiety diseases and what can be done to cure them.
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Robert Southey The Life of Nelson
Book Description1896. With biographical sketch, critical opinions and explanatory notes. In the volume Southey takes on the task of writing about the life of the great naval hero Nelson. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger
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