Don Bell

The Man Who Killed Houdini

More than two decades of research provide the basis for this true-life detective story of the mysterious man who stepped into Harry Houdini's dressing room on an October night in 1926, delivered one fatal sucker punch, and then vanished from ...

The Nature Conservancy's Guide to Indiana Preserves (Quarry Books)

Upon first entering the preserve you sense that you are in a special place. There is an air of distinctness that is at first perhaps only subconsciously registered?distinct light through the trees, distinct smells of the conifers and oaks, ...

Blake Stimson

The Pivot of the World: Photography and Its Nation

The old dream of social belonging and political sovereignty--the dream of nation--was fraught with anxiety and contradiction for many artists and intellectuals in the 1950s. On the one hand, memories of the Second World War remained vivid and the ...

Inside Maverick's: Portrait of a Monster Wave

Every winter when the ocean buoys start to read 10-, 15-, and 20-feet, the coast of Half Moon Bay, California, is transformed by an enormous wave called Maverick's. Recognized as one of the most dangerous big wave surf breaks in the world, ...

<<<  Timothy Greenfield-Sanders: Face to Face: Selected Portraits 1977-2005. ...             David Tod Roy. The Plum in the Golden Vase or, Chin P'ing Mei, Volume ... >>>

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