Cindy Rinfret

Classic Greenwich Style

Greenwich, Connecticut, has a mystique all its own. It epitomizes the suburban tradition in America, with houses that are among the country's most beautiful examples of colonial, Tudor, and English country style. This book offers a glimpse into ...

Ian Cramb

Art of The Stonemason

Drawing on five generations of family tradition as stonemasons in his native Scotland, Ian Cramb created this masterful work to pass on his knowledge and experience to craftsmen who wish to learn the ancient, but still necessary, principles of the ...

Douglas Keister

Stories in Stone

Certain symbols abound in modern Western culture that are instantly recognizable: the cross signifies Christianity, the six-pointed Star of David is revered by Jews, the golden arches frequently means it's time for lunch. Other symbols, however, ...

David Bernstein

Collage in Russia: XX Century

The publication includes essays by St. Petersburg and Moscow experts describing the uniqueness of development of collage in Russia and its history in the 20th century. The structure of the book contains the following sections: texture, applications, ...

<<<  Walter S. Gibson. Pieter Bruegel and the Art of Laughter ...             David Tod Roy. The Plum in the Golden Vase or, Chin P'ing Mei, Volume ... >>>

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