Charles De Lint

Moonlight & Vines (Newford)

Familiar to Charles de Lints growing audience, Newford is the quintessential North American city: tough and streetwise on the surface and rich with hidden magic for those who can see. In Moonlight and Vines, de Lint (called one of the worlds leading ...

Fiona Zedde

A Taste Of Sin...

Ming Dong Gu

Chinese Theories of Fiction: A Non-Western Narrative System (S U N Y Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)

An ambitious, innovative work that proposes a distinctly Chinese theory of fiction. ...

Stephane Mallarme, Paul Auster

A Tomb for Anatole

An immensely moving poetic work addressing inconsolable sorrow: a father's pain over the death of his child. Bilingual. "One of the most moving accounts of a man trying to come to grips with modern death?that is to say, death ...

<<<  Robert Crais. The Last Detective             David Tod Roy. The Plum in the Golden Vase or, Chin P'ing Mei, Volume ... >>>

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