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Peter N. Stearns The Industrial Revolution in World History
This book defines what the industrial revolution was and is, how it developed in several major societies around the world, and how it varied in each case. Stearns stresses the massive impact of the industrial revolution on the course of world
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Edward G. Rogoff Bankable Business Plans: Second Edition
The secrets behind creating compelling and successful business plans sure to attract financial backers are revealed step-by-step in this invaluable guide. Containing detailed information on Risk Management Association (RMA) data and clear
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John Newhouse Boeing Versus Airbus: The Inside Story of the Greatest International Competition in Business
From the author of the classic study of the aviation industry, The Sporty Game , a new book that chronicles the high-stakes rivalry between the world’s two largest aircraft manufacturers—companies that will bet the house on a
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Hemant Mehta I Sold My Soul on eBay: Viewing Faith through an Atheist's Eyes
Unique insights from an atheist’s Sunday-morning odyssey When Hemant Mehta was a teenager he stopped believing in God, but he never lost his interest in religion. Mehta is “the eBay atheist,” the nonbeliever
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