Eldon Thompson

The Crimson Sword : Book One of the Legend of Asahiel (Legend of Asahiel)

Book Description The Age of Man has begun. Gone are the elves and dwarves, orcs and trolls, and other creatures of legend. Having driven the "undesirables" from their lands, the kingdoms of the island continent of Pentania have started a new ...

Nancy Mckenzie

Prince of Dreams: A Tale of Tristan and Essylte

It is a generation after the fall of Camelot. The legendary figures of Britain’s brief but shining renaissance—Arthur, Lancelot, Guinevere—are gone but not forgotten. Their memories live on in song and story. But ...

Akiko and the Alpha Centauri 5000 (Akiko)

Book DescriptionAkiko and her crew–Spuckler Boach, Mr. Beeba, Poog, and Gax–are competing in an intergalactic race from one side of the universe to the other. Along the way they have to make it through the narrow passages of the ...

P. C. Cast

Goddess of the Sea (Berkley Sensation)

Book DescriptionAfter her plane crashes into the sea, an Air Force Sergeant finds herself occupying the body of the mythic mermaid Undine-and falling for a sexy merman. ...

<<<  Aglaja Stirn. The Hidden World of the Naga: Living Traditions ...             Craig Settles. I Only Have ROIs for You >>>

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