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Heather S. Nathans Early American Theatre from the Revolution to Thomas Jefferson : Into the Hands of the People (Cambridge Studies in American Theatre and Drama)
Book DescriptionTheater has often served as a touchstone for moments of political change or national definition and as a way of exploring cultural and ethnic identity. Heather Nathans examines its growth and influence in the development of the young
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Henry Moore Henry Moore: Human Landscapes
Book DescriptionWho amongst us has never though, especially while lying somewhere in a rolling countryside, that the natural landscape and the human figure share much of their forms? Henry Moore, the celebrated English sculptor, created a
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Susanne Pfleger Sonja Braas: Forces
Book DescriptionNature as represented in Sonja Braas's photographs is not a sweet and gentle force but a violent and destructive one. Roaring waterfalls, crashing ice, and eroding rocks are pictured large-scale and at frighteningly close range,
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Eric Troncy Pierre et Gilles: Sailors & Sea
As sweet as raspberry ripple, as tempting as popcorn: welcome to the seductive photographs of Pierre et Gilles. Bizarre and full of obscure significance, full of glitter, flowers, and hearts, the portraits are reminiscent of stills from film
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