Doug Hagedorn

Ease the Squeeze

Book DescriptionEase the Squeeze provides practical approaches to setting personal and family goals, getting out of debt, setting up a budget, applying more discipline to spending decisions, saving more money, giving more and with a proper motive, ...

Barry Abraham

Think and Grow Rich for the Real Estate Investor

Book DescriptionHere you have the entire philosophy of moneymaking, just as it was organized from the actual achievements of the most successful people known in American history. It describes WHAT TO DO, also, HOW TO DO IT! Inspired by Andrew ...

Owen Platt

One Big Fib: The Incredible Story of the Fraudulent First International Bank of Grenada

Book DescriptionThe First International Bank of Grenada will go down in history as one of the biggest banking swindles of all time. Aided and abetted by a corrupt government, Van Brink and his satraps lured hundreds of innocent investors to place ...

Mark P. MacKenzie

The New Gold Rush: Real Estate (Capitalist)

Book DescriptionThe New Gold Rush - Real Estate provides both a tactical and psychological roadmap to achieving financial independence and abundance. It tackles head-on the four requirements to achieving any level of success in business or finance; ...

<<<  Edward J. Lordan. Essentials of Public Relations ...             Craig Settles. I Only Have ROIs for You >>>

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