Joni Podolsky

Wired for Good: Strategic Technology Planning for Nonprofits

Book Description Wired for Good is a nuts-and-bolts guide to strategic technology planning for nonprofit organizations— no matter how large or small. This book leads nonprofits through a planning process that will help them align their ...

Jack Gido

Successful Project Management with Microsoft® Project 2003 CD-ROM

Book Description This text covers everything students need to know about working successfully in a project environment, including how to organize and manage effective project teams. Communication is also emphasized, with a focus on how to document ...

Francis Buttle

Customer Relationship Management

Book Description Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Tools is a breakthrough book that makes transparent the complexities of customer relationship management. The book views customer relationship management as the core ...

Jacqueline Vishcher

Space Meets Status: Designing Workplace Performance

Book DescriptionThis book deals with the problems that are created when employers try to decrease the size of individual offices and workstations in order to increase work efficiency. Employees, who often regard their workspace as a "home from ...

<<<  Jeannie Jinsheng Yi. The Haier Way: The Making of a Chinese ...             Craig Settles. I Only Have ROIs for You >>>

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