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Gregory Corso An Accidental Autobiography: The Selected Letters
Book DescriptionFabulous letters from the vagabond Beat poet to his friends?among them Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. For all his charm and intelligence poet Gregory Corso lived a vagabond life. He never held down a regular job.
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M.D., William Ackerman The Gender Factor: Pain Management for Men and Women
Book Description Different brains, different pains?how both men and women can find relief. Scientific research has proven that men and women process pain differently. Now, with the breakthrough book, The Gender Factor: Pain
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Brian McFarlane Encyclopedia of British Film (Methuen Film)
Book Description A comprehensive history of the British film industry from its inception to the present day, with minute listings of the producers, directors, actors, and studios behind a century of great British cinema. Brian McFarlane's
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Heidi Guedel Animatrix--A Female Animator: How Laughter Saved My Life
Book DescriptionWhat kind of childhood experiences helped Heidi to become a successful Disney Animator? Who inspired her? Why did she become such a prankster ? What challenges did she face as a young woman striving to
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