Children's Play: The Roots of Reading

Book DescriptionExtensive empirical research has documented the value of play for both cognitive and social development. Play?guided by teachers, child care providers, and parents?can contribute to emerging literacy by motivating a child ...

Mark Giles

Knucklehead & Other Stories

Book DescriptionWelcome to the world of corporeal adult endeavour?the mall, the office tower, the subdivision. W. Mark Giles dissects these workaday settings, exposing the lives of eerily familiar characters and the dark machinery that drives ...

Donna Moreau

Waiting Wives : The Story of Schilling Manor, Home Front to the Vietnam War

Book Description In 1964, as the first B-52s took flight in what would become America's longest combat mission, an old Air Force base on the plains of Kansas became Schilling Manor -- the only base ever to be set aside for the wives and children ...

Brian Michael Bendis

The Pulse Vol. 1: Thin Air

Book DescriptionIt's an inside look at the Marvel Universe's most notorious newspaper, the Daily Bugle! Former super hero and current private investigator Jessica Jones has just been offered a new job: a position with the Bugle's new super-hero ...

<<<  Philip Ardagh. A House Called Awful End (Eddie Dickens ...             Carol A. Hess. Sacred Passions: The Life and ... >>>

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